Computer Networking Quiz

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#1. What is the default subnet mask for a Class C IP address?

#2. Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email over the Internet?

#3. What is the purpose of the Domain Name System (DNS) in computer networking?

#4. What is the purpose of NAT (Network Address Translation) in computer networking?

#5. What is the maximum transmission speed of a standard Ethernet connection?

#6. Which device operates at the Network layer of the OSI model?

#7. Which protocol is used for secure file transfer over a network?

#8. What is the purpose of a subnet in computer networking?

#9. What does the acronym LAN stand for in computer networking?

#10. What is the purpose of a firewall in computer networking?

#11. Which protocol is used for remotely accessing and managing network devices?

#12. What does the acronym DNS stand for in computer networking?

#13. Expand FTP______

#14. Which network topology connects all devices in a linear fashion, one after another?

#15. Which of the following is a commonly used network protocol for accessing and retrieving emails?

#16. What is the purpose of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) in computer networking?

#17. Expand URL_____

#18. Which network protocol is commonly used for secure remote access to network devices?

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